Department Of Ilmul Advia
Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology) was established in 2004. A variety of teaching and
learning techniques are employed to impart knowledge and skills to students. The department’s
infrastructure is well furnished with all modern facilities. The Department laboratories are
well equipped with latest instruments and technologies. The department has three laboratories
i.e. Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Standardization/ quality control. Pharmacology laboratory
has polarizing microscope with cameras, Rota rod apparatus, Activity meter apparatus, Radial
Maiz, Plus Maiz, cold and hot plate analgesiometer, digital plethysmo meter, electro convulso
meter etc. Pharmacognosy laboratory has microtome, Fluorescent ultraviolet chamber, paper
chromatography chamber, muffle furnace and other related instruments which are used in
identification of drugs. Standardization and Quality Control Laboratory is established to
standardize the Unani drugs and to bring out research in Unani Pharmaceutical products. A
Central Instrumentation Facility Laboratory (CIFL) is also attached with the department of
Ilmul Advia which houses necessary equipments and basic infrastructure required to carry out
quality research, like HPLC, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Microwave digestion system,
UV/VIS Spectrometer and other basic equipments required for the routine works. This
Laboratory helps in the quality control of single drugs as well as compound formulations.
Department has established a drug museum along with herbarium to house drug and plant
specimens. The main motive for the development of drug museum and herbarium is to display
various Unani drug samples for teaching and authentication of drug samples. The herbarium
also helps to store authenticated specimens of Unani drugs and store all the samples over
which research has been conducted at NIUM. In future, it is hoped to serve as referral
centre for drug authentication. The department also has an animal house facility which
houses small laboratory animals like rat and mice. The animals are kept under standard
environmental conditions as per CPCSEA guidelines.
Since the establishment of the Department, it has shown a lot of progress both academically
and in research fields of major interest in the special context of Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy,
Standardization, Physico-chemical studies of Unani drugs. The department regularly conducts
journal club, seminar and symposium to enhance the communication skills and better
understanding of the subject. More than 100 research papers have been published by faculty
members in reputed national and international journals.
Faculty members of Department
Dr. Ghulamuddin Sofi
Designation : Professor & HOD
Department: Ilmul Advia
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Dr. Najeeb Jahan
Designation : Professor
Department: Ilmul Advia
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Dr. Nasreen Jahan
Designation : Professor,
Department: Ilmul Advia
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Dr Md Imran khan
Designation : Assistant Professor,
Department: Ilmul Advia
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