Department Of Ilmul Jarahiyat
Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery) has always been an integral part of Unani System of Medicine.
Abul Al Qasim Zuhrawi (Albucasis), an Arab Unani physician, wrote a book entitled ‘Kitab
al-Tasrif. He described thyroidectomy, extraction of cataracts, removal of kidney stones,
tonsillectomy, craniotomy, caesarean section and dentistry. He has also described more
than 200 surgical instruments.
The department was established in 2012 with the objective of developing competent
surgeons, academicians and researchers in the field of Jarahiyat. Admission to the first
batch of PG in Jarahiyat started from session 2014-15.
The drugs or medicines used in the treatment of patients may be Unani, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic
or Allopathic, but the surgical procedures or Jarahat adopted today are entirely advanced and
are universally acceptable throughout world. With the same aim keeping in mind, we are trying
to use Unani drugs in surgical patients pre-operatively, post-operatively as well as in
conservative treatment of surgical diseases.
Presently, department is performing various operations like Cholecystectomy, Appendicectomy,
Haemorrhoidectomy, Circumcision, Fistual in Ano, Fissure in Ano, Hydrocelectomy, stripping &
ligation of varicose vein, Vericocoelectomy, Abscess drainage, cyst removal, Excision of
lipomas, Neurofibromas and all other skin tumors excision and biopsies, Pilonidal sinus,
Hernias and Diabetic foot, Fibroadenoma of breast etc under local, regional and spinal anesthesia.
All the operations are being done under the guidance of experts and in aseptic environment and
following the standard operative procedures. Total numbers of surgeries performed since the
establishment of the department are 843.
Faculty members of department are actively engaged in teaching and research activities. This
department is imparting high quality teaching and training at post graduate level through class
room teaching, teaching of surgical procedures in OT, ward teaching, Case presentation and
Seminar presentations. OPD, IPD, OT duties are carried out on regular basis. Medical camps
are organized from time to time. Clinical trial of Unani medicines in surgical diseases are
in progress.
Faculty members of Department
Dr. Firdous Ahmad Najar
Designation : Associate Professor & HOD
Department: Ilmul Jarahiyat
Profile Details
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Dr. Mohammad Shakeel Ansari
Designation : Associate Professor
Department: Ilmul Jarahiyat
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Dr. Mehjabeen Fatimah
Designation : Assistant Professor,
Department: Ilmul Jarahiyat
Profile Details
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