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Department Of Kulliyat

The Department of kulliyat was established in 2012. The main concern of department is teaching, research and training in general principles of Unani medicine. Every year four students are admitted in this department. The department is deeply committed to impart high quality teaching and training to the post graduate scholars. A variety of teaching and learning techniques are employed to impart knowledge and skills to students. The department regularly conducts journal club, seminar and symposium to enhance the communication skills and better understanding of the subject.

At present 11 research scholars are enthusiastically pursuing their work on following topics.

  • A review of philosophy of Arkan in contemporary era
  • Greco-arabic literary recourses of Ilmul-amraz.
  • An explanatory study on Tabiyat in context on Unani Medicine.
  • Estimation of ash value as a determinant of Yabusat in three vital organs of animals.
  • Importance of Arkan in continuation of life.
  • An interpretive work on Hararat-e- Ghariziyah.
  • Estimation of Ajzae Mohallilah as a determinant of Rutubat in three vital organs of animals.
  • Tdabeer-e-Tabiyat in tajziya-e-badan.
  • Importance of rukn Hawa in sustenance of life.
  • Tadabeer-e-nafsaniyah in health.
  • Importance of rukn Arz in continuation of life

In terms of faculty, department has one professor and two lecturers. Faculty members have excellent track records of high quality publications in journals of national and international repute.

Faculty members of Department

Dr. Tariq Nadeem Khan

Designation : Associate Professor & HoD (Kulliyat)
Department: Kulliyat
Profile Details Click Here

Dr. Wasim Ahmad

Designation : Associate Professor
Department: Kulliyat
Profile Details Click Here

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